About St. Dominic Music
From the earliest times, God’s people have shown their love for God with singing and the playing of musical instruments. Such is the case at St. Dominic where music plays an integral role in our Celebration of the Mass and where each ensemble strives for excellence in its enhancement and support of the liturgy.
Musical Opportunities
You can participate in Music at St. Dominic by joining one of our fine ensembles, by singing with enthusiasm at Mass, and by attending special services. Our offerings include the St Dominic Choir, Cantors, and instrumentalists. It is our desire that the Music at St. Dominic enriches your worship experience.
Consider joining this vital ministry of the church. Your participation is not only rewarding but crucial for success. All groups welcome new members.
St Dominic Choir
The St Dominic Choir sings weekly at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Additionally, the Choir sings for the liturgically rich celebrations of Christmas and Easter along with the other great feasts of the church year. New members are welcomed and encouraged. You do not need to sing like Pavarotti, but possess a love of singing and a willingness to learn and blend with the ensemble.
Rehearsals: TBD
St. Dominic
The Cantors are critical to the music liturgy at St Dominic. They lead the congregation in singing at all Masses and special services as well as provide support for the Choir and the Contemporary Ensemble. Cantors are auditioned and required to read music. They must have a clear voice with a good pitch and possess the skills to create a good rapport with the congregation.
Rehearsals: In the Chapel, 30 minutes prior to Mass.
Gloria Dei Chorale
St Dominic is privileged to be the home of the Gloria Dei Chorale, a concert community chorus (non-affiliated with St Dominic Parish), dedicated to musical excellence, glorifying God, and serving others through their collective gifts. Gloria Dei Chorale is a diverse, welcoming, ecumenical chorus open to all men and women who wish to commit of their time, talents, heart, and skills to produce fine musical experiences. Please visit their website, www.gloriadeichorale.org, for more information.